Study in Malaysia from Bangladesh for Higher Education

Study in Malaysia from Bangladesh for Higher Education

Study in Malaysia from Bangladesh for Higher Education

Study in Malaysia from Bangladesh for higher education, has become a popular choice for foreign students, particularly those from Bangladesh, who are interested in doing higher education in Malaysia. Malaysia is an established nation that is often recognized for its vast cultural history and powerful educational system. Malaysia is a good location for someone who is interested in obtaining a quality education because of its wide variety of higher education institutions, as well as its low tuition rates and average cost of living.

Consider yourself totally engaged in elite academic institutions and schools, acknowledged globally for their demanding curriculum and varied selections. Malaysia offers schools that are suited to your goals, whether you want to succeed in business, engineering, medical, or any other subject. In comparison to other preferred study abroad locations, Malaysia offers affordable living and tuition expenses, making high-quality education affordable to students from all backgrounds.

Experience the diverse combination of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and cultural traditions as shown in wonderful food, exciting festivals, and gorgeous environments. Make long-lasting connections with people from all around the world and establish a supportive community by connecting with a network of other Bangladeshi students. This guide offers a detailed overview of studying in Malaysia, focusing on key aspects like the benefits of Malaysian education, visa requirements, tuition fees, scholarship opportunities, and the prospects for Bangladeshi students without IELTS scores.

Why Choose Malaysia for Higher Education?

Study in Malaysia from Bangladesh for Higher Education

Quality Education at an Affordable Cost

Malaysia offers a wide range of courses with a focus on research and innovation. The cost of education and living is relatively lower compared to Western countries, making it a cost-effective choice for international students.

Internationally Recognized Degrees

Many universities in Malaysia have partnerships with institutions in the UK, USA, Australia, and other countries, allowing students to earn dual degrees approved by these countries.

Good Job Opportunities

For students from other nations, Malaysia's expanding economy and expanding sectors provide fantastic job opportunities. The favourable position of the nation and its strong economic relations with worldwide markets both contribute to creating a large number of job opportunities.

Geographical Location

Malaysia, which is situated in the middle of Southeast Asia, acts as an entry point for students to discover the various cultures and environments that are found in the area.

Variety of Cultures

Malaysia is an international mix of cultures, which offers an educational experience that goes beyond academics. Traditions, languages, holidays, and cuisines may all be enjoyed by students in a way that is smooth and peaceful.

English-Medium Instruction

With English as the medium of instruction in most higher education institutions, students from Bangladesh find it easier to adapt and excel in their studies.

Safety and Peace

Human life in Malaysia is fresh, secured, and beautiful. According to the Global Security Index (GPI) report for the year 2020, Malaysia is now placed 18th among the world's most peaceful countries. This means that Malaysia offers you a safe and secure environment in which you can continue your academic goals. During the course of your educational journey, you can choose to spend your days and nights comfortably outdoors or to have a risk-free experience in the city.

Malaysia Student Visa Requirements

To study in Malaysia, Bangladeshi students must obtain a student visa. The requirements include:

  • A valid passport with at least 18 months remaining until expiration.
  • Acceptance letter from a Malaysian educational institution.
  • Evidence of adequate financial support to cover tuition fees and living expenses.
  • Health certificate proving the student is free from contagious diseases.
  • Payment of visa processing fees.
Study in Malaysia from Bangladesh for Higher Education

Tuition Fees and Visa Costs

Study in Malaysia from Bangladesh for Higher Education

The cost of studying in Malaysia varies depending on the course and institution. On average, undergraduate programs can range from MYR 17,000 to MYR 50,000 per year, while postgraduate programs may cost between MYR 20,000 to MYR 40,000 per year. The student visa application fee is approximately MYR 1,000, which includes the visa processing fee and the i-Kad fee, mandatory for all international students.

Document Checklist for Malaysian Study Visa

Study in Malaysia from Bangladesh for Higher Education

Applicants must prepare the following documents:

Visa Approval Letter (VAL):

Obtained after submitting your application through    Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS).

Letter of Acceptance:

From your chosen Malaysian institution.


Original and copy of bio-data page.

Passport-sized Photos:

Two recent coloured photos with white background.

Academic Records:

Copies of all diplomas, certificates, and transcripts.

Proof of Financial Means:

Bank statements or sponsor letters demonstrating sufficient funds for tuition, living expenses, and travel.

Medical Report:

Completed by a registered medical practitioner overseas.

Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate:

If required from your home country or countries you recently travelled through.

Personal Bond:

Signed document pledging to abide by immigration laws.

English Language Requirement:

You must undergo an English Language test and attach the certificate which shows you have an acceptable level of English. Malaysia accepts certificates from the following tests: IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, MUET, CAE, CPE.

Additional Documents:

Depending on your nationality and program, additional documents may be required.

Scholarships for study in Malaysia

Study in Malaysia from Bangladesh for Higher Education

Several scholarships are available for international students, including those from Bangladesh, such as:

Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS):

Aimed at attracting the best minds from around the world to pursue advanced academic studies in Malaysia.

Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan:

Offers opportunities for students from Commonwealth countries to study in Malaysia at postgraduate level.

University-specific scholarships:

Many Malaysian universities offer scholarships based on academic excellence, sports achievements, or artistic talents.

Studying in Malaysia without IELTS

Study in Malaysia from Bangladesh for Higher Education

It’s possible to study in Malaysia without IELTS scores if:

  • The student has completed previous education in an English-medium institution.
  • The chosen Malaysian university conducts its own English proficiency test.
  • The student participates in English language courses offered by the university before starting their degree program.

Career Opportunities after Graduation

Study in Malaysia from Bangladesh for Higher Education

Malaysia’s dynamic economy offers diverse career opportunities for graduates, especially in fields like engineering, information technology, business, and healthcare. The country’s strategic location in Asia also provides a gateway to career opportunities in neighbouring countries and beyond.

BD Expert Education Consultancy: Your Gateway to Studying Abroad

For Bangladeshi students aspiring to study in Malaysia, BD Expert Education Consultancy offers comprehensive guidance and support. From selecting the right course and institution to navigating the visa application process and preparing for life in Malaysia, BD Expert Education Consultancy is committed to ensuring a smooth and successful journey for students.

 Malaysia stands out as a prime destination for higher education due to its quality institutions, affordable costs, and welcoming environment for international students. With the right preparation and guidance, Bangladeshi students can leverage this opportunity to enhance their academic and career prospects. BD Expert Education Consultancy is your trusted partner in this journey, providing expert advice and support every step of the way.


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    FAQ Related to Study In Malaysia

    • Malaysia offers a diverse range of high-quality educational institutions and programs.
    • It’s a cost-effective option compared to many Western countries.
    • The country has a rich cultural diversity and a welcoming environment for international students.

    Kuala Lumpur, the capital, is a popular choice, along with Penang, Johor Bahru, and Kota Kinabalu.

    Requirements vary by institution and program but typically include academic transcripts, standardized test scores (like IELTS or TOEFL), and a statement of purpose.

    Tuition fees vary depending on the university and program but are generally lower than in many Western countries. Living expenses can also vary but are often reasonable.

    Yes, many Malaysian universities and organizations offer scholarships and financial aid to international students. You can check with the specific institutions for details.

    English is widely used as the medium of instruction in most universities, but you may also find programs taught in Malay or other languages.

    Yes, international students are allowed to work part-time during their studies. There are restrictions on the number of hours you can work, and you’ll need a work permit.

    Obtaining a student visa for Malaysia is generally straightforward if you have an acceptance letter from a recognized institution and meet the required financial criteria.

    Malaysia offers a wide range of programs, but some of the popular fields include engineering, business, information technology, and hospitality.

    Malaysian universities are recognized for their quality, and many are ranked globally. The quality can vary by institution, so it’s essential to research and choose a reputable one.

    The cost of living in Malaysia is generally lower than in many Western countries. It can vary depending on your lifestyle and location, but it’s often considered affordable.

    Yes, Malaysia’s diverse culture and beautiful landscapes offer ample opportunities for cultural experiences and travel during your studies.

    Most universities have health clinics, and Malaysia has a well-developed healthcare system. International students are often required to have health insurance.

    Malaysia offers post-study work options for international students, allowing you to work in the country for a specific period after graduation.

    Malaysia is generally considered safe, but like anywhere else, it’s essential to be aware of your surroundings and take necessary precautions.